Monday 16 November 2015

Natural Foods to Enhance Female Libido

Dim lights, Kenny G tracks, and astonishing fragrance, if all these have failed to  turn you on between the sheets, then something might be wrong with your sex drive. This article might help you to explore and know more about the options to enhance female libido.

Many women in their mid-40s and above may have questioned themselves many a time about their lost interest in sex. Less libido or loss of sexual desire is not uncommon among women in mid 40’s and above. But, various studies have suggested that around half of menopausal women reported a diminished sex drive after menopause. This means that hormones play a significant role in sexual desires, and a decrease in estrogen levels puts a big impact on women’s libido.

Don’t worry, as there are various things apart from sexy lingerie and Sildenafil when it comes to getting in the mood. According to various sex experts, one of the prime keys to having a healthy sex drive is to eat a perfect diet. It not only helps you look better and feel more confident, but also deliver vital nutrients to keep your libido up. On the contrary, an improper diet can result in toxicity, inflammation and sluggishness.
There are numerous contributing factors apart from a healthy diet including maintaining a healthy weight and communicating with your partner. Below are some of the best libido-boosting foods for you. These are as follows:
  • Watermelon– This red juicy sexual star contains 92 percent water, but the remaining eight percent is Phytonutrient-Citrulline, that converts to Arginine (an amino acid helps in relaxing the blood vessels). Studies have found watermelon helps improving the blood flow to the erectile tissues present in the female clitoral area resulting in the arousal.
  • Oatmeal– Starting the day with the perfect food will end the day well for you. Having oatmeal for the breakfast may do wonders for you in the bed, as it is touted as a testosterone booster. For women, it helps in boosting their libido because of the presence of Arginine that helps blood flow in the nether regions.
  • Pine nuts– Make some pesto by adding these excellent and delicious pine nuts, as these nuts are loaded with Arginine that helps increasing the blood flow by dilating blood vessels.
  • Black Raspberries– These berries act as mood enhancers as these are phytochemical-rich food that intensifies both libido and sexual endurance. So, to keep the bedroom boredom at bay pop in a handful of black raspberries or a tablespoon of its seeds a few hours before getting busy.
  • Figs– Figs are excellent sex stimulants that enhance the secretion of pheromones. So, next time make sure to feast on up to five figs before getting busy and make yourself completely irresistible your guy sees you.
female libido enhancer
  • Ginseng– Studies have found that women who took ginseng supplements have improved their libido in a month. It has also been reported that 68 percent women admitted that their overall sex life has improved dramatically. So, try to add ginseng to your diet to enjoy the mood. Moreover, make sure to avoid energy drinks claiming to have ginseng in them, as these contain chemicals and tons of sugar.
  • Get enough steak– Eat the grass-fed steak and perform your best in the bed The grass-fed beef is a perfect source of zinc, the same libido-boosting nutrient found in oysters. For a better performance, try to eat steak at least two times a week.
  • Have chocolates– It may sound unfamiliar to you, but having chocolate is an excellent aphrodisiac, as it contains magnesium that makes you feel relaxed. De-stressing is like a clutch for getting in the mood. So, try to eat dark chocolate, as it contains a compound called phenylethylamine that triggers sex.
  • Lettuce– Try to have a cup of salad full of lettuce, olive oil and vinegar as these will help your waistline and also revives the sex drive. Lettuce plays a perfect host here because it contains an opiate that helps activating sex hormones. So, have a bowl at dinner of lettuce salad with the perfect dressing and you’ll be ready to go by the time you turn in for the night.
  • Saffron– Another  is saffron, which has a long history. It has been stated in the studies that the ancients were fond of saffron’s power. Cleopatra bathed in it before meeting her lovers. Saffron also enhances the mood, as the Romans were known to sprinkle it on newlyweds’ beds. It is a seductive spice, whose red-gold threads contain antioxidants including the Crocin, Crocetin and Safranal are responsible for increasing sexual desire.
One must not get disheartened with the loss of their sexual desires, these are just temporary changes and the condition is definitely improvable. Indulge in those activities, foods that you like and share some good time with your partner as they might also enhances female libido and make sex a more pleasurable experience.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Ways To Increase Height-Unrevealed Deep Sleep Technique

If you struggle with your height, you are not alone. A lot of people struggle with height. Tall people are often perceived as more attractive, they look good no matter what they wear, and they can do a few more things that most people of shorter height find hard to do.

Find All The Tips, CLICK HERE.

A lot of people who want to grow taller resort to various diets and pills and even surgery just to add a few inches to their frames. You will be surprised to know, however, that there’s a simpler way to get that coveted height without resorting to drastic measures.
Sleep Your Way to a Taller You
There are many studies that have shown how important deep sleep is to our height. It is during this stage that the body produces a human growth hormone that stimulates bone growth which can increase height. Deep sleep is important and apparently the only stage where normal production of this hormone, called IGF-1, occurs. There is no production of this hormone in other stages of sleep and when sleep is interrupted, the production of the hormone is equally affected, resulting to stunted growth.
Tips to Get the Right Kind of Sleep
Remove distractions in the bedroom.
This includes TV, bright lights, sources of distracting sounds, and the like. Limit TV-watching in the living room and avoid bringing work to bed with you. Use curtains that can close the windows all the way to avoid streetlights and car lights from disturbing your sleep.
Avoid exercise two hours before sleep.
Exercise releases endorphins which give your body a jolt of energy that may keep you awake into the wee hours of the night. Avoid exercising two hours before sleep. If you must, do relaxation and stretching exercises like yoga to get you into that relaxed state that is most conducive for sleeping.
Control the room temperature so that you feel warm.
If you live in a colder area, a warm room will help you go to sleep better. Adjust the thermostat so that the room is warm when you are ready for bed. If the room is cold, wear gloves and socks. You can sleep much easier with warm feet and hands.
Sleep in a comfortable posture.
The right posture can affect your quality of sleep. Your mattress should be firm but soft and you should be able to stretch fully in bed. A lumpy bed will leave you feeling sore and will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night because you are uncomfortable. To ensure continuous sleep and to avoid interruptions during this stage, sleep on a firm, comfortable mattress.
Sleep on time.
Sleeping on time will cause you to wake up on time. This helps you avoid disruptions in your circadian rhythm. Experts say that lost sleep can never be regained, so avoid sleeping very late, since this can cause you to wake up late and throw your body clock out of whack.
The bottom line is quality sleep is important, whether you want to add a few inches to your height or you simply want to live a healthier life. These tips will help you get started on achieving quality sleep during the night which just might give you that few extra inches that you are going for.For more information click here

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Why Breast-Feeding Is Important For Mom’s Heart Health?

Whenever it comes to childbirth, most of the mothers-to-be think that the journey’s end is in the delivery room. But there is much more that should be considered before assuming that the mother’s health is now out of the major risk.

After the bay is born, the next months are critical for the mothers and to the baby as well.  It’s because this is the time when both mother and baby build a foundation for long-term health through breast-feeding. Moreover, why this is important is also because the time frame is very important and a very rare window of opportunity, which once missed can’t be regained.

It’s already a known fact that breast-feeding benefits babies by building up their immune systems and reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory illness. However, there were very limited information on how the same process is significant for the mothers.It is reportedly said that breast-feeding babies protect mothers by reducing their risk of heart disease.

Research on breast feeding and heart health

One of the studies that examined the impact of breast-feeding on heart disease risks in nearly 140,000 women, revealed important message. Each woman who were subject to the research had at least one healthy baby and all had passed through their reproductive years. The study, published in 2009, found that the longer the women breast-fed, the more they lowered their risk of heart disease.

Further, women who breast-fed for seven to 12 months reduced other risks, too, including high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol – regardless of race, income, education and other socioeconomic factors.

On the contrary women who breast-fed their babies for less than one month had a higher risk of diabetes.
Therefore, it is very important for the mothers to breast-feed their baby at until 12 months to avoid the health risks. For more information click here

Tuesday 3 November 2015

The Link Between Masturbation and Premature Ejaculation

By no pretty much everyone knows that, back in the day, masturbation was blamed for a host of conditions. Medical experts at t the time claimed masturbation could lead to blindness, insanity acne, depression, infertility and even death. Of course today we know that simply isn’t true and that, in fact, there are a number of health benefits to masturbation. This greater understanding of masturbation is the result of years of research and clinical studies as well as a deeper examination of how sex in general impacts a person’s physical, emotional and mental well-being. But that deeper understanding has brought some belief right back to the beginning. A handful of studies have shown a possible correlation between excessive masturbation and chronic premature ejaculation. How much of these is simple correlation and how much could be cause and effect?

Why Masturbation is Healthy

First it’s important to state clearly and in no uncertain terms that masturbation is a part of a healthy and happy sex life. Masturbation has been found to be an effective treatment against depression, chronic pain and migraine headaches. It’s also helped millions of people develop a better understanding of their own sexuality and what turns them on as well as how better to please their sex partners. Masturbation is about connecting to your body and your mind in the most intimate way possible and study after study has found dozens of health benefits to the practice.

Masturbation can also be an effective form of sexual therapy for couples struggling to connect on a deeper level or who are dealing with individual or couple based performance problems including, ironically, premature ejaculation. So why is there this sudden shift in thinking when it comes to masturbation and problems with ejaculation?

The Role of Pornography, Masturbation and Sexual Performance

Recently there have been a number of studies and polls which have addressed the masturbatory habits of men dealing with chronic premature ejaculation. The results, by and large, have found a direct connection between poor masturbation habits and an increase in the condition both in frequency and intensity.
Overall, men reported having problems with performance when they watched several hours of pornography on a regular basis – usually daily – and reported masturbating often, usually very quickly over concerns of being caught. This combination – an influx in graphic porn and the need to masturbate and achieve that sensation quickly, has an obvious impact on how a man can perform in bed. The two actions are completely opposed in terms of their ultimate objective and so the longer and more often a man indulges in the quick-fixes of porn, the more likely he is to retrain his body to react to stimuli quicker and get the job done as quickly as possible.

So that’s the approach in terms of treatment? Initially, nothing. First it’s important to determine how much pornography a man is watching and how quickly he has trained his penis to achieve orgasm. At the same time, couples should begin to time how long sex tales so they can determine if premature ejaculation is really the issue.

Lastly, they can put this information together to find ways to dial back the frequency of the porn – or have your girlfriend choose something for a change – and rainstorm on new ways to increase foreplay and focus on your partner’s satisfaction before you et your own. This builds sexual tension and can improve the quality and quantity of your orgasm. Best of all, this more luxurious approach to sex means that even if premature ejaculation strikes, you’ll have plenty of time to regroup and try again.

The link between premature ejaculation and masturbation is something you can’t afford to ignore, but it also doesn’t meant the end of popping in your favourite DVD and engaging in a bit of self-love. It simply means that you’ll need to find a way to keep it in your life without it overshadowing the sex life that’s even more fun – the one you have with another person. For more information click here